Welcome to the Storytelling Community

Welcome to my website and thank you for visiting!  My name is Rachael Pruitt and I am an author of Arthurian historical fantasy as well as being a writing teacher and storyteller. If you are more interested in my own novels and tips about writing in general,...
Indian Flutes and Owls

Indian Flutes and Owls

This world is filled with miracles.  No doubt about it.  My favorites are often the tiny, unexpected ones:  the moment when a beloved child takes her first bite of strawberry ice cream and you watch her face light up the world…an elderly couple holding...
The Lure of the Bear Cave in Winter

The Lure of the Bear Cave in Winter

This winter, dear friends, I have been hibernating as deeply as any bear.  Like Arthur himself who was born, tradition tells us, beneath the sign of the bear, I have found myself drawn to the warmth of the primal cave that contains my soul and my deepest, most...